Monday, January 28, 2008

Gordon B. Hinckley

When I heard the news I was so shocked I just started to cry!!!! It has been a very weird week I could feel the spirit so strong and I have been very emotional. I have an amazing Seminary teacher he brings the spirit in with him! I have been having a hard time lately with something and I have been trying to get closer to our Savior so he will help me in some way! Anyway I am really sad about our wonderful prophet passing away but at least he is with his wife and our Father in Heaven! Words can not even begin to describe my feelings I have towards this incredible man. He had such a strong spirit to him and he helped me know for sure that the church is true. He was always in my prayers and I would thank my Father in Heaven for blessing us with such a remarkable prophet. I love him so very much! I know that he has talked to our Savior and probably has already met him!


Bean There...Done That said...

What a sweet and tender testimony of our dear Prophet! Isn't it wonderful that you will be able to share all of your incredible memories and your powerful testimony of this incredible man with your own children one day? Just think, you will be able to tell others that you lived in the dispensation that Gordon B. Hinckley walked the earth, absolutely wonderful!!!!! I love your sweet thoughts.

Lacey Bean said...

Your are so cute. You have the cutest little testimony, and such a tender heart. I know you can feel the spirit, and have a testimony of this church. Just stay close to our Heavenly Father and he will help you through any trial you are facing.

Shannon said...

You have such a sweet heart! I love it, and LOVE how darling your testimony is. I will have to admit, i wondered about you when i heard of his Passing, i know you just Adore him!

Amy said...

You are so sweet, I loved reading your testimony. What a great thing to have such a strong testimony at such a young age. Also I love your blog, so cute. I am going to add you to my list of friends, how does that sound. I would love to keep you updated on my little fam with ours,
Your such a sweetie.