Friday, December 28, 2007

Holiday Pics!!!!

I have been slakin on my blogging!!! So I just posted some pictures! At the first of the month My family and i went to the Christmas devotional and saw the temple lights it was really fun and it was cool to hear our prophet this time of year! Every Christmas Eve my dads parents come over to eat a huge dinner and we unwrap the gifts from the person that we drew and of course p.j's. I can not believe Christmas is over! It came so fast! My family had a great Christmas EsDee got an Ipod and Guitar Hero that i can't stop playing! I got a bedspread and a mattress its not fun stuff but i love my bed and i am still putting my room together! Garrison got a Iphone he loves it! Lacey got a nice camera so she can take her wonderful pics. My mother got a huge picture of the last supper she started crying when she saw it oh boy!!!! I can't believe it is almost a new year wow!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!